Purchasing goods from China directly from the manufacturer

Our partner company has been involved in the sourcing and wholesale of various products since 2010. Through their Chinese office, they build direct relationships with local manufacturers and provide personalized offerings to their customers.

They offer a full sourcing service that involves supplier identification and pre-qualification, auditing, quotation management, product development and testing; contracting etc.

Choosing the right manufacturer

With local language skills and an efficient network, their professionals obtain and share certifications, factory photos, and recommendations from previous clients. To ensure a smooth partnership, it is essential to review business licenses, sign contracts, set payment terms, and know the place of jurisdiction in case of legal disputes.


In China, bargaining about quantity, quality, price, and delivery time when purchasing products is not uncommon. In the case of larger quantities, the price is much more favorable, and the individual packaging and logo included in the product price.

The manufacturing process

Although procuring a sample product is the least complicated part of the overall procurement process, it should never be missed. It depends on the product, but it is worth order via air to save time. The sample will only be paid for if the buyer chooses not to place an order. Otherwise, the cost of the sample product will be deducted from the total amount of the larger order.

Once the buyer has found the sample product to be suitable, production can begin. This can usually take 10-40 days, depending on the product and quantity. In the period before Christmas and Chinese New Year, production time may be extended.

Payment and bank charges

Chinese manufacturers usually ask for a 30-50% down payment to start production (there are factories that ask for 100% in advance). The remaining part must be settled after the end of production.

Payment and bank charges can also be complex. It is worth clarifying with your bank in advance how they can transfer payments to China. Some manufacturers have subsidiaries in Hong Kong or Taiwan that can facilitate payment from Europe or the United States.

Shipping and customs

Before finalizing the order, it is worth specifying the cost of transport and the duty rate for the given product based on the HS code.

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